In the space of a few days, Sony Pictures' The Interview has gone from unreleased to impossible to avoid. Cable video on-demand operator inDemand has added the movie to its roster, so for $5.99, pretty much anyone with pay-TV service can rent it right now instead of needing one of Google's video services, Xbox or iTunes. It's also popped up on WalMart's video service Vudu in the past day, is available via DirecTV, and according to Variety , as of Friday the number of theaters where its playing will grow to 580, compared to 331 on Christmas Day. If you're still on the fence about viewing you can use our opinion or that of others, but the movie that couldn't be stopped by North Korea (and/or company insiders) has already reportedly brought Sony $15 million through its unconventional release.
JUST IN: Sony expanding distribution of 'The Interview' via iN DEMAND, Verizon FiOS, DirecTV, VUDU, WalMart's VOD service & more. o. $SNE
- CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) December 31, 2014
Breaking news: Cable operators via In Demand and DirecTv now offering The Interview via video-on-demand. Price per play: $5.99.
- Simon Applebaum (@UBCSimonTWBT) December 31, 2014
Filed under: Home Entertainment, HD
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