Donnerstag, 30. April 2015

Engadget Live is back and headed to Boston, LA and Austin!

The weather's getting warm, which means here at Engadget HQ, we're already planning our summer getaways. For us, that means we're gearing up for the return of Engadget Live, where we throw a series of events in different cities across the US, allowing you to kick back, meet some of your favorite Engadget editors in the flesh, and try out some hot new gadgets first-hand. It's like a reader meetup, only with more high-tech toys on hand. Oh, and a bunch of giveaways too -- we always come ready to give away some free swag.

The tour kicks off July 17th in Boston, followed by LA on August 21st and wraps up in Austin on October 16th. Just hit the linked locations above, and you can reserve your tickets to any Engadget Live for free. We'll have more details on each event closer to the actual date, so stay tuned for more updates. That said, if you happen to be a Bostonian, Angelino or Austinite, we suggest you mark your calendar now, and that you plan on getting to each Live event early -- the crowds often stretch around the block. Oh, and if you're a company interested in sponsoring or participating in any Engadget Live, drop us a line at Get ready to party!

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